Without moving the ruler, close your left eye and open your right eye. If you are wearing glasses, remove them and look at something 10-20 feet away. With your left eye, align the ruler’s zero mark to the center of the pupil of your left eye. Measuring your PD can be done easily at home, especially with a friend, or a family member. If it’s missing, don’t worry, we can help. Please keep in mind that the PD is not always given as part of your prescription when you have an eye exam. (The reading PD is normally 3mm less than the distance PD as eyes will get closer when reading.) Your PD numbers you receive from your eye doctor can be used to order glasses both in store and online. Stay informed on your options with VS Eyewear today. The first number is always in relation to your right eye, and the second for your left eye. Find the answers to all your eyewear, goggles, and glasses questions on VS Eyewear's FAQs page. It’s necessary to center a prescription in your frames for clear, accurate vision. While 58 is your reading PD which can only be used when you need single vision reading glasses. Another example is if your numbers are 34.5/33.5, then it means your PD was taken one eye at a time. Pupillary distance (or PD) refers to the distance between your two pupils.

The line that lines up to the center of your right pupil is the PD measurement. Looking straight, close your left eye then open your right eye. 61 is your distance PD which can be used when you need single vision distance glasses, bifocal and progressive glasses. Close your right eye and align the ruler’s 0 mm with the center of your left pupil Looking straight ahead into the mirror, close your left eye and open your right eye The mm line that lines up with the center of your right pupil is the PD measurement There is another method for measuring PD if you already wear prescription eyeglasses. Close the right eye and align the ruler’s 0 mm with the center of your left pupil. It is notated as two numbers around 30mm such as 31 and 32.ģ.Sometimes PD is notated as "61/58". The average PD range for adults is 57-72 mm and for kids is about 43-58 mm.ġ.Binocular PD is notated as a single number such as "63", means the total distance between your pupils.Ģ.Monocular PD is the distance from the bridge of your nose to your pupil on each side. Generally speaking, the PD numbers for adults stays the same. You can normally find your PD on your prescription. For people with strong prescription, this is especially important. Your PD is an important factor and tells you where you look through the lens of your glasses and should be as accurate as possible. PD is needed to accurately center the lens in the frame you select For bifocals or progressive lenses, some people will need a Distant Vision PD (DV PD) and a Near Vision PD (NV PD). PD stands for Pupillary Distance, which is the measurement from the center of one pupil to the center of the other. Right eye (OD PD) and left eye (OS PD) are measured from the center of your nose to each pupil.